5 Interior design trends to incorporate into your spaces in 2020

Category Top Property Tips

There’s nothing like coming home to a space that reflects who you are on the inside and uplifts you the moment you walk in. For many people, a new year represents the opportunity to reinvent oneself. If you are considering including an interior design makeover to your list of resolutions, it can contribute to the new you and your new space.

Whether you prefer light, clean, open spaces or dense, cosy, warmer spaces, all you need to do is a little interior design and you can have the space you’ve always wanted or at least as close to it as you can get right now. And it doesn’t have to be an expensive expedition.

In this blog, we highlight the top design and decor trends to incorporate into your spaces in 2020. Give them a try - you just might like the change.

#1. Wallpaper on the ceiling instead of the walls

Covering your ceiling with wallpaper is a creative way to add a unique edge to your home. A wallpapered ceiling is a great way to add a little texture to a room without overpowering the clean space you have created. Not only does it look great, but the wallpaper also stays in good condition because it goes untouched for a long time.

#2. Furniture made from eco-friendly materials

Reduce, reuse, recycle. That’s the motto that many South Africans are adopting in favour of green living. Pallet wood furniture is a top example of how recycled and repurposed materials are making their way into our homes. It’s risen in popularity over the last few years, so you’ll never run short of ideas to borrow from.

Another option would be repurposing old or worn-out furniture by having it repaired, repairing it yourself or turning it into something new with a completely different purpose. This is also often a cheaper option than buying new furniture.

#3. Bring elements of nature - into your interior space

Why not start adding plants to your furnishings and bring nature into your interior spaces. Plants come with many calming benefits, aesthetics advantages and they purify the air within your home. Adding indoor plants of different sizes can fill in empty spaces and create a natural feel within your home.

#4. Add some soft luxury by incorporating velvet items

For the bold among us, here’s a trend that can inject some texture and colour into your interior. Velvet cushions, curtains, carpets and other finishes can bring in a not-so-subtle air of luxury. As long as you don’t overdo it, velvet can be tasteful, so exercise restraint with this one. You could even opt for a single velvet-covered couch to either soften and warm a room or add that dash of luxurious elegance.

#5. Paint a timeless mural on one of the walls in a living area

Instead of commissioning a canvas painting to hang up, you could commission a mural in one of the main areas in the home. A foyer, living area, or even master bedroom is ideal. It draws the eyes and offers a cool focal point for anyone who enters the room.

Trends come and go, so you don't have to hop onto everyone. However, you may find a piece of yourself by exploring the ones that resonate with you. What matters most is that your home evolves along with you, creating a safe space, away from the outside world.

For more inspiration and trending ideas, contact us.

Author: Seeff Head Office

Submitted 04 Feb 20 / Views 1127